The lazy son

                    There was a farmer . He lived on farm with his family. He believed in hardwork. He loved to do work on farm. Farmer's wife would help him in his work, too. The farmer had a son. He was so lazy. He didn’t love to work in farm. He also didn’t love to do hardwork. The farmer would always tell work to his son but he wouldn’t do work. 
                                        One day he decided to take his taste. He went to his son and said “ Son, i am becoming old, i am not able to feed three persons so you will have to leave my house.” Hearing this his son shocked and shouted to his father “ What ! I will have to leave this house. Please let me to stay here.” He began to plead. The farmer said his son “ If you want to live here, everyday you will have to pay me ten rupees for your hard work.” Farmer’s son agreed.
                               Next day Farmer’s son got up early in the morning and went to relatives house. He asked ten rupees to his relatives. His relatives gave him a ten rupee note. Taking this ten rupee note son went to his father and put this ten rupee note on his father’s hand. The farmer looked the ten rupee note some while and threw it into well. Looking this his son didn’t say anything. Next morning son went to another relatives house and brought a ten rupees note. Then he put the ten rupee note on his father’s hand. Also that day the farmer looked that ten rupee note some while and threw it into the well. Looking this the son confused.
                           He couldn’t sleep that night. He knew his mistake. Next day when he got up, he went to market. He searched work. After some time he found a work in a merchant's shop. He worked whole day in merchant’s shop. In the evening the merchant gave him fifty rupees. Seeing fifty rupees the son became very happy. He went to home and put a ten rupee note on his father’s hand and another fourty rupees gave his mother.
                            Looking ten rupee note the farmer also became happy. But when he going to throw ten rupee note into well his son shouted “Stop father, why are you throwing money into well.” The farmer smiled and said “ I know this is your earned money. I can never throw this money into well. I wanted to show you importance of hardwork therefore i was taking your taste.” Farmer’s son knew the importance of hardwork. Then he always helped his father.

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