Once upon a time in a jungle. There lived various animals and birds.  All animals and birds always wandered in a jungle for food and water. They  would get food easily but they didn’t get water easily because, in summer,  there was no water remained in water sources. They had to go near village to drink water. In the same jungle There lived a crow in a nest that was on the branch of a tree.

                                              Such a day , the sun was scalding.The crow was wandering in a jungle for food and water. He found some fruits to eat. He became happy but when he ate fruits he got thirsty. He wandered in a jungle for long time but he even couldn’t get water to see. Due to long time flying he became tired. He  sat on a branch of a tree.

                                       He looked here and there but he didn’t see water. After he decided to go in a village to find water. He went flying in a village.  He flied over the village. After some while he saw a pitcher of water near a broken house. When he sat on the  pitcher of water he got upset. There was a little water in the bottom of the  pitcher. His peak couldn’t reach near water therefore he couldn’t drink water. But he got very thirsty.                                                                                         He thought some while and played a trick to drink water. He bought a stone in his peak and put into water. Such as he bought lot of stones and put into water. when he put stones into pitcher water came upside. Then his peak reached near water and he drank water.

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